Ottawa Home Services
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Meet the Lucky Winner of Our Free AC Contest!

At the 2018 Ottawa Home Show, we wanted to do something really special. So we held a contest to give one homeowner a brand new Lennox air conditioner, complete with a free installation.

We want to thank all who entered, and congratulate our lucky winner: Marie-Josée Lebrecque!

From left to right: Ottawa Home Services co-owner Marc Hannah, lucky homeowners Marie-Josée and Dave, and our talented techs Matt and Michael.

“This Was Different Than My Past Experiences with Other Companies”

Marie-Josée was incredibly impressed with her first Ottawa Home Services experience.

“The technicians – and everyone I talked to – are a lot more personable than companies we’ve worked with in the past,” she explained. “They showed up with a smile on their faces, and they worked quickly and efficiently.”

“They talk to us more too. For example, when they got here, they explained that they had found a way to hide the pipes so we wouldn’t have to see them, which is so nice,” she added. “They even laid down this long red runner to protect the floor as they came in and out!”

“I’m just over-the-moon happy with my experience and thrilled with the service I received,” Marie-Josée concluded.

Listen to Dave and Marie-Josée’s experience:

It Seemed Almost Too Good to Be True

The Ottawa Home Show seemed like a perfect place to scope out a new home service company.

“I’ve wanted to go to the home show for years. Since we’re in the middle of renovations, and we were planning to get an air conditioner installation, we went to get ideas,” Marie-Josée explained.

“When we walked past the booth, Terry from Ottawa Home Services told my partner and I we should enter.”

When we called and told Marie-Josée she had won, she was shocked.

“I could hardly believe it,” she admitted. “Whenever I’ve won something in the past, there was always some sort of ‘catch’ or surprise costs to go along with your winnings.”

Not with Ottawa Home Services. “Everything from the AC to the installation fees was completely covered. I really did win,” she laughed.

“We’re upfront and honest about what’s included,” said Marc Hannah, co-owner of Ottawa Home Services. “We understand that people are on the lookout for surprises. We’re proof that some companies actually mean what they say,”

“We’re happy to be able to do things like this,” Marc added. “It’s nice to be able to help someone out.”

Living Every Homeowner’s Air Conditioning Nightmare

Ottawa-Homes-Services-installation-technicianMarie-Josée and her partner Dave couldn’t live without a proper air conditioner any longer.

“We had window units before this,” Marie-Josée explained. That, she added, was a nightmare.

“They hydro bills alone were just awful. It cost us so much money to get even moderately comfortable” she said.

And that’s not even the nightmarish part.

“One air conditioner was leaking water all over the floor upstairs one day,” Marie-Josée began. “We were gone for the day, so we weren’t there to catch it.”

You can see where this is going.

“It soaked through to the drywall of the ceiling in our front entryway, and caused it to collapse. It ruined our front entrance and added an expense we weren’t expecting”

After that, Marie-Josée and Dave weren’t taking any chances. “Last year, we didn’t even use air conditioners. We made do with fans, and slept downstairs if we couldn’t stay cool.”

At Last – a Real AC They Could Count On

You know how uncomfortable it is to go without an air conditioner. But for Marie-Josée, it’s nothing new.

In all the homes she’s lived in, she’s never had a real air conditioner.

“I’m super excited because I’ve never had AC in my life,” she explained as she watched our technicians Matt and Michael complete the installation. “I don’t know what to expect!”

Another person who can hardly wait? Her daughter.

“She hates the heat, and always took the good fan for herself,” Marie-Josée laughed.

“She was so excited when she heard the news: she even asked if she could stay home from school to be here for the installation,” Marie-Josée added. “I had to tell her no, and that it would be here when she got back.”

How Did It Feel the First Time She Used It?

We checked in with Marie-Josée just a few days later to see how it felt to have cool air for the first time in her life (we still can’t believe it).

“I turned it on, and it felt so good. I’m so excited about it,” Marie-Josée shared. “I’ve actually had it on for the past couple of days. It’s been hot, and we’ve been working outside. Every time one of us came in to cool off, we’d say, ‘oh, this is nice’.”

So it’s bye-bye for the old window units? “Oh yes,” Marie-Josée laughed. It’s safe to say she is never going back.

Have Your Own Ottawa Home Services Experience

Do you want to have your own Ottawa Home Services experience? It’s easy! Just request a quote for your installation, repair, or service needs, and we’ll be in touch right away.

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