What saves you money, makes your life simpler, and helps the planet at the same time? A heat pump, that’s what. And the heat pump benefits don’t stop there. Read on to find out more. […]
Can You Believe These Incredible Heat Pump Benefits?

What saves you money, makes your life simpler, and helps the planet at the same time? A heat pump, that’s what. And the heat pump benefits don’t stop there. Read on to find out more. […]
Have you been waiting to upgrade your home heating and cooling system because it’s just too expensive? Now you don’t have to wait! With The Green Ontario Fund and Ottawa Home Services, you can get as much as $5,800 in rebates when upgrade to an energy efficient system. […]
Homeowners who have been receiving calls from someone claiming to represent Ottawa Home Services, be warned; that’s NOT us. We don’t use high-pressure sales tactics, and we’ll NEVER contact you unless you contact us. If you receive one of these calls, please report it to us. […]
The danger could be all around you, and you wouldn’t know. Carbon monoxide is the invisible intruder that poses a great risk to your family. Use these carbon monoxide safety tips to protect yourself. […]
We did it Ottawa! We’re proud to announce that together we raised over $4,000 during the Crazy Christmas Sock campaign in 2014. This donation to Make-A-Wish® Eastern Ontario will help a lot of kids facing tough medical conditions live their biggest dreams. […]
Hope you’ll take this thought with the optimism with which it is presented: “Nothing lasts forever.” There are lots of reasons why that’s a good thing. For example, do you really want to be placing your mobile calls on a phone the size of a man’s shoe (some seemed that large)? Do you want to […]
You know the old sayings. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” “Better safe than sorry.” “It takes one to know one.” Well, except for that last one, these statements of experience can easily be applied to home maintenance – and, in particular, maintenance on your home comfort system. In the height […]
As with most things in Ottawa, the better care you take of your heating and air conditioning unit, the better it will perform and the longer it will last. If you neglect your furnace system, then it could be under performing, and this can really show on your energy bill. There are simple things you […]
Here in Ottawa, we know looking at cost is more than seeing a price tag. Take the annual furnace tune-ups for your heating equipment. If you apply a small percentage of the value of the equipment in routine annual maintenance, your investment reduces your energy expenses, saves on repairs and takes care of you longer. […]
Venmar Ventilation inc. announces that it is expanding its Safety Upgrade Program for certain air exchangers that it manufactures. Venmar is asking owners of units covered by this program to immediately turn their unit off, and contact Venmar Ventilation inc. as soon as possible by phone at 1- 866-441-4645, by visiting their website at www.venmar.ca, or by […]